The selection of Prof. Dr. Adel Shamran Hameed as Chairman of the Committee for the discussion of the doctoral dissertation tagged (undertaking guarantee for craft work: a comparative study). The thesis was submitted by the student, Muhammad Jaber Ghafil.
The thesis aimed to crystallize the reality of the subject of the undertaking of guarantee for craft work, in a way that gathers its diaspora and embodies the dimensions of its idea, by drawing a clear picture of the concept of undertaking guarantee, its types, and defining its provisions. Determine the points of controversy and disagreement in this matter and present the most correct among the jurisprudential opinions and the appropriate among the solutions, from our point of view according to the evidence, and according to what we obtain from the process of shedding light on the subject from its legislative, jurisprudential and judicial aspects, and establishing legal rules through which all problems are addressed. legal matters relating to this matter.